Monday, July 9, 2012

You Can't Force Care


Too often we fall into the trap of forgetting to care about our clients. None of us would probably admit it, but the cynicism that comes along with working day in and day out can get us to a point where we stop valuing the people on which our business depends.

The remedy is to remember that the people you talk to every day are human beings with their own lives, busy schedule, goals, and ambitions. Simply having a conversation with someone you want to do business with can go a long way. It has to be more than small talk, however, because a good conversation flows organically and can't be forced.

This is because you can't force care. You either desire the best for people or you don't. The middle ground is that we sometimes get so hung up on our own problems, wants, and desires that we forget to invest in other people to remind us that there is more to our lives than producing and increasing our personal wealth. 

The next time you are having a conversation with a client, customer, prospect, or whatever applies to your situation, attempt to connect to that person in some way that makes it clear to them that you are in the business of people, not just yourself.

By the way, the inspiration for this thought comes from What Works, the new book coming soon from Robert Cornish and Wil Seabrook (Co-founders of Richter10.2 Media Group). The book is full of great content like this and will be available soon. For more info, quotes, excerpts, and a list of endorsements, check out the book's Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.

Jon Negroni is the Director of Public Relations, Promotion, and Marketing at Richter10.2 Media Group. For more information regarding Richter10.2, check out our introduction video here.

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