Over the past few weeks I've been on a mission to put order into every single area of our company. Meaning, I am making it orderly, implementing systems etc. The magic of "order" is limitless. Each little area that we've put order into results in things magically getting better. In other words, we made our company more orderly in one area and found that it impacted our growth just that much for the week.
Look around your company and make a list. Find every single area that you can to put order in. Then, simply address them one by one.
Here are a few examples:
- Make all workspaces neat and tidy to improve production
- Make a revision to a contract to ensure it reads correctly
- Address some old "need to get done's" and do them
- Implement a new checklist to help make a process more efficient and swift
- Get rid of a redundant task or function that causes extra work
These are but a few areas. Just start listing out all of the areas that you want to make orderly and then do so. You will be completely blown away at how this will impact you sales, growth, expansion, morale and the list goes on. It's complete magic.
- Robert Cornish
CEO, Richter10.2 Media Group