Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mike Bloomberg and Social Media Strategies

I recently noticed that Mike Bloomberg is using a strong social media strategy much like what Barack Obama applies to run again for Mayor of New York. 

If you take a look at his new website http://mikebloomberg.com you will see that he has a very aesthetic look to it, clean and simple. There is nice use of video front and center which most people will gravitate to. Then if you scroll to the bottom of the page, you will see Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and YouTube links. If you click on the links you will see they all have the same looks and feel and branding done. This is a great example of how to promote in this day and age. 

It comes down to viewership and users, for example, how many people watch the superbowl each year? and how much does it cost to have a TV commercial during those hours? The value of viewership is incredible and social media is doing the same thing. There are 175 million users on Facebook alone today with 300,000 plus joining per day. That is a lot of people to get in front of making the value of viewership go up by the day. 

If one were to effectively use these tools to find their target audience, make themselves known to that audience and get in front of that audience to create interest and reach, that becomes incredibly useful to any business large and small. 

Why do companies pay for huge billboards? or TV commercials? or full page magazine ads? Eyes on the screen or page....viewership....attention....interest....reach....sales and finally....revenue!

Barack Obama realized this and look at the results, the movie industry has realized this and now all movie trailers come neatly packaged with "follow us on Twitter" "Friend us on MySpace" "Become a Fan on Facebook" "Share on Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon" etc. and now Mike Bloomberg is doing the same to forward his message, reach his target audience and stay in front of the crowd to interest and get reach as well as ignite conversation....smart.

A facebook page or any other social media page is useless.... unless you USE it fully and strategically to capture your target audience and draw them in to create interest and generate reach. 


Robert Cornish


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