Wednesday, June 13, 2012

At Some Point, Any Step is in the Right Direction


We love to talk a lot about what we'll accomplish someday. Friends get together and find pleasure in dreaming like teenagers. "Eventually, I'll get out of this town. Eventually, I'll get the job I've always wanted."

Something strange happens. We stagnate, and not for any particular reason. Your environment has a knack for finding ways to tie you down, even when you're unmarried or without children. Jobs, family, and friends always give us convincing reasons to stick to what we know. 

Familiarity breeds contentment, then contempt. That's why there are times when taking any step, even backwards, is in the right direction. A step backwards can get you back to a place where you try harder in an unfamiliar setting, pushing you and reminding you of what value you possess. 

I could say something as generic as, "take risks." But it really comes down to, "just do something."

Jon Negroni is the Director of Public Relations, Promotion, and Marketing at Richter10.2 Media Group. For more information regarding Richter10.2, check out our introduction video here.

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